Cheat Day vs. Refeed – The Daily Bite of Knowledge

Written by Marina Lommel
2 minutes reading time
12. June 2023 zuletzt aktualisiert am 31. July 2023 von
Cheat Day oder Refeed

In a so-called refeed, you specifically eat a higher amount of carbohydrates than usual at a meal. A healthy refeed should not be confused with a cheat day.

Cheat Day

Forcefully stuffing every conceivable sweet and junk food into yourself. Especially popular in the bodybuilding scene. The end of the cheat day is usually decided by stomach capacity. Only when one feels “bursting”, has stomach pain and can only roll, many end the Cheat Day. The next day you feel fatigued, bloated and bloated. Pimples and water retention appear, which take a few days to disappear.

Popularly chosen foods usually contain vast amounts of

  • Gluten
  • Sugar
  • Additives
  • Poor quality fats
  • Poor quality dairy products

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The foods are just as healthy as the other days of the diet. However, one resorts more to carbohydrate sources in order to specifically induce a desired biochemical reaction. The next day you can have a little more water stored, because every gram of carbohydrate in the muscles also binds water. But you usually still feel fit, look fresh and have no pimply after-effects.

Suitable foods:

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The daily bite of knowledge

In this new column, we’ll give you a short, crisp look into the world of nutrition science and the Paleo, low carb or ketogenic diet.

Tomorrow the topic will be: For whom is a refeed suitable and when does it make sense?

As background for tomorrow’s post, it’s best to go ahead and read this article about hormones from adipose tissue.

Have you ever done a refeed or a cheat day? What was your subjective experience and what is your opinion on Refeed and Cheat Day?

This article was written by

Marina Lommel

Marina gründete Foodpunk nach ihrem Abschluss in Ernährungswissenschaften und ist aktuell CEO des Unternehmens. Während ihres Studiums arbeitete sie in verschiedenen Bereichen, darunter in der Wissenschaftsredaktion beim Radio, Redaktion beim TV und Uni-Wissensmagazin sowie im Labor am DZNE in der Parkinsonforschung. Marina ist außerdem Autorin von 5 ernährungswissenschaftlichen Sachbüchern.

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