The best sources of fat – The daily bite of knowledge

Written by Marina Lommel
4 minutes reading time
17. July 2023 zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. August 2023 von

Fat is a great source of energy. If you are on a low carbohydrate diet, you should by no means eat low fat. Because especially in a low carb diet, the body needs the energy from high-quality fatty acids. But not all fat is the same. Today’s Bites of Knowledge offers an overview of which fat sources are the best and which you’re better off avoiding.

Table of contents

    1. good fats for frying

    Fats that you use for frying must be particularly stable. Saturated fatty acids are best suited here. They are by no means “the enemy” or unhealthy. The right saturated fats are a brilliant source of energy for an optimal supply of body and brain. While unsaturated fatty acids can become harmful trans fatty acids if heated too high, saturated fatty acids remain intact even when heated strongly. That said, you should never blacken your meat in a smoking pan.

    Animal fat sources in particular are ideal for frying. Ghee (clarified butter) from pasture butter or bacon from organic pork are aromatic and make an excellent base for fried dishes. Coconut oil, an almost completely saturated fat, is also fine and stable.

    If it’s essential for flavor, you can use olive oil now and then, as long as you don’t overheat the pan. However, it is better to add the oil over the dish only after frying. You should generally never put other vegetable oils in a hot pan.

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    2. high quality oils for refining

    Sensitive vegetable oils are perfect to refine hot dishes or salads after preparation. Some oils are more suitable than others due to their fatty acid composition (e.g. omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids). You can find our recommendations in the overview below.

    Oils should always be stored in a dark, well-closed glass bottle, because the sensitive fatty acids can oxidize more easily due to exposure to light and oxygen. Under no circumstances should you store oils on the windowsill, where they are exposed to the blazing sun for hours at a time.

    Of the oils that should be used rather rarely according to the overview, you should not use more than 1 tablespoon per day in total.

    3. healthy sources of fat as a topping

    For that extra dose of flavor and crunch, toppings on dishes are an additional option. Avocado and macadamia nuts are the best choice here. But you can also sprinkle other seeds and nuts over your dishes. Only peanuts are taboo.

    Of the nuts and seeds, which according to the overview should be used rather rarely, you should eat a total of no more than a handful per day.

    4. fatty sea fish and marbled meat

    For fish and meat, the catch and rearing are the most important criteria. Fish should come from either organic aquaculture or sustainably certified wild catch. Cattle, pigs and poultry should eat natural food and not be fattened with grain and concentrated feed.

    5. overview of different fat sources

    Tip: For a better overview, hold your smartphone in landscape format or view the table on your PC.

    Usage Good sources of fat Bad sources of fat
    For frying Ghee from pasture butter

    Pasture butter (not too hot)

    Coconut oil

    Lard from organic pork

    Bacon or bacon fat from organic pork

    Beef tallow from pasture beef

    Olive oil (rare, not too hot)


    Clarified butter / butter from conventional milk

    Coconut fat obtained chemically


    Vegetable oils except coconut oil and very rarely olive oil

    hydrogenated or non-hydrogenated vegetable fat

    Fats from animals from conventional farming

    To refine Avocado oil

    Macadamia oil

    Olive oil

    MCT oil

    Walnut oil (rare)

    Sesame oil (rare)

    Pumpkin seed oil (rare)

    Hemp oil (rare)

    Sunflower oil

    Peanut oil

    Rapeseed oil

    Soybean oil

    Wheat germ oil

    Corn oil

    Topping Avocado


    Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans (rare)

    Sesame seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts (rare)



    Fish / Meat Wild salmon from sustainable catch

    Salmon from organic aquaculture

    Tuna from sustainable catch

    Sardines, herring, mackerel, carp, flounder, trout, eel, catfish in high quality

    Pasture beef marbled meat

    Bacon and meat from organic pork

    Skin from organic poultry

    Salmon from conventional aquaculture

    Salmon and tuna from trawl fishery

    Meat from conventional cattle

    Bacon and meat from conventional pork

    Conventional poultry skin

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    This article was written by

    Marina Lommel

    Marina gründete Foodpunk nach ihrem Abschluss in Ernährungswissenschaften und ist aktuell CEO des Unternehmens. Während ihres Studiums arbeitete sie in verschiedenen Bereichen, darunter in der Wissenschaftsredaktion beim Radio, Redaktion beim TV und Uni-Wissensmagazin sowie im Labor am DZNE in der Parkinsonforschung. Marina ist außerdem Autorin von 5 ernährungswissenschaftlichen Sachbüchern.

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