Diets: Let’s burn fat!

Written by Isabella Seitz
7 minutes reading time
17. July 2023
Bildschirmfoto 2019 01 16 um 10.13.02

In January, much revolves around the topic of “losing weight” – often to the detriment of one’s own health. We’ll show you how to reach your goal healthily and, above all, effectively, and how to keep your fat burning at full speed!

Bildschirmfoto 2019 01 16 um 10.06.35

Table of contents

    1. do only calories really count?

    We are firmly convinced that this is not the case. There is a lot of truth to the phrase “You are what you eat”. We are all made up of bones, muscles, tendons, connective tissue, soft tissues… Our mood, assertiveness and cycle are controlled by hormones. Neurotransmitters relay thoughts and movements. All of this is made of something. It doesn’t fall from the sky ☝️

    As we grow, we are always absorbing something, from our environment. These are not stones, but food. We burn a part to have enough energy for growth and movements. Another part we install. Nutrients become a part of us and serve as building blocks for all the important components. Of course, the body cannot build a tendon from fatty acids. The main building blocks for this are proteins. But also not just any, but the right amino acid in the right place. Other structures, in turn, require other building materials. Enzymes require certain vitamins and minerals as cofactors to function fully.

    Everything we are made of cannot come from anywhere but food.

    So (healthy) nutrition is about much more than losing weight. Proper nutrition has such a significant impact on us that we think it’s a shame how often the influence is left out.

    Bildschirmfoto 2019 01 16 um 10.13.46

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    2. crash diets and starvation

    Many diets are characterized by a very low total energy intake. This may seem sensible at first, because it is believed that the body would thereby reduce its reserves, i.e. excess fat. Unfortunately, this is not the case in practice. After all, our body is interested in survival, needs energy for all its life-sustaining activities and is very very smart!

    A low fat intake in combination with, for example, extremely high fiber intake fills the stomach due to the large volume, but provides relatively little energy. If the body is not offered any other energy supply at the same time, a large calorie deficit can arise as a result, which stresses the body and ultimately makes it difficult to lose weight.

    This way of losing weight usually does not last long and cravings are inevitable. After all, the body sooner or later gets what it needs.

    It is therefore important that you provide it with “real” food so that it is ready to give up what it no longer needs – namely excess fat. If you make him feel like he’s not getting enough energy, he’ll hoard what he has. So trust it and give yourself a little time to change your diet.

    All in all, your body is really keen on healthy food and will accept it with thanks. He is not interested in being limp and worn out. On the contrary, you will be surprised how quickly the whole thing will groove and become a “no-brainer” if you are a good team, you (or your head) and your body.

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    3. how to lose weight effectively?

    Give up sugar!

    Yeah, blah, blah, heard it a hundred times. Fast forward once, please.
    No seriously, this is important!!!

    Sugar worsens your blood values and promotes obesity. It promotes inflammation and puts you in a bad mood. Sugar is altogether wiiiiirreally uncool! Honey and agave syrup also contain large amounts of fructose and are therefore no better than classic household sugar.

    Really get to know your sense of taste and make yourself independent of cravings. It’s really worth it!

    The best way to combat constant cravings for sweets is to go completely sugar-free. Completely eliminate all sweetened foods and fruit juices for 30 days. Also, do not use light drinks or sugar substitutes. This is the only way to retrain your taste buds and re-learn how good and flavorful natural food can be. After the first 30 days, we recommend xylitol (birch sugar) or erythritol as the best alternative to sugar, both of which have positive effects on metabolism. Everything else – aspartame, acesulfame-K, and so on and so forth – you should steer clear of. ☝️ #writeyoubehindthespoon

    You can find a detailed article on the topic of sugar on our blog.

    Fire up your fat burning!

    Funny, you think to yourself now? It is. Because to heat up the fat burning, one should give the body also times the possibility and/or kick it correctly into the A**** to go to its fat reserves. If there is a constant supply of carbohydrates, which are the fastest, most familiar and “easiest” source of energy for him, then the good guy is mighty lazy and thinks to himself “pfff…we’ll store the fat, always have enough carbohydrates.”

    To get some momentum going, you should eat a lot of high-quality fat in combination with a small amount of carbohydrates, so your body is confronted with learning to use fats as an energy source. It can do that really well after a while and you’ll be free of sugar fluctuations and cravings.

    Protein is not a very good set screw to lose weight. Don’t get us wrong, adequate protein intake is very very important, however there is such a thing as too much. The recommended amount of protein for you is therefore relatively fixed. Rather regulate your fat and carbohydrate intake, you can achieve more with that.

    Bildschirmfoto 2019 01 16 um 10.22.48

    Reduce the amount of carbohydrates per day

    Not all carbohydrates are created equal. The “bad guys” here are the ones that catapult our blood sugar quickly – they are the ones that should be avoided as a priority. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand – like those from vegetables – can also be found in the low carb world. They are the preferred sources to get some level of the macronutrient carbohydrate (and sufficient nutrients). There are different forms of diets that have in common the main goal of reducing the amount of carbohydrates. You’ll find out which ones shortly.

    Applies to all:

    Eat unprocessed food

    Vegetables in all shapes and colors, meat and fish from species-appropriate husbandry, high-quality fats (e.g. olive oil, coconut oil), nuts and seeds, eggs and fruit (especially lower-carbohydrate varieties such as berries) are all you need and from them you can create really countless and sooo delicious combinations.

    For most people, cutting out dairy products further promotes weight loss. If you still want to eat them, we recommend the full-fat variety.

    You should avoid sugary foods (e.g. sweets), sugary drinks (e.g. soda), starchy foods (e.g. pasta, bread, cakes) and fruit with a high fructose content.

    Eat Paleo, Ketogenic or Low Carb

    As just indicated, there are several forms of healthy eating that you can learn about on our blog. In summary, they differ as follows:

    • Low carb:
      • Less than 100 g of carbohydrates per day
      • Goal: Increase fat burning.
    • Paleo:
      • No defined carbohydrate intake
      • Goal: Only natural, unprocessed foods; no grain or dairy products.
    • Ketogenic diet:
      • < 30 – 50 g per day
      • Goal: Ketosis.

    You can’t make a blanket statement about which form is best for which person. A low carb diet that insists on consuming few carbohydrates but instead relies on low quality and low fat and protein sources is not really advisable for anyone. However, if you rely on healthy, nutrient-rich foods that compensate for the less carbohydrates, it is a good way to lose weight in a healthy way without cravings, for example. Thus, the basic principle of the Paleo diet becomes a good basis for any diet. Paleo-based low carb diet? Sure, that makes sense! Paleo-based ketogenic diet? Clearly, all those who strive for mental high-performance can pick up the necessary brain boost here!

    You can read about the low carb diet in particular and everything about keto on our blog.

    Always stay up to date with our Newsletter.

    If these tips have whet your appetite for a Foodpunk nutrition plan, here’s where to find it our different nutrition plans. There is something for everyone. They are:

    • Effectively calculated for your goal
    • Created by experts
    • Also suitable for intolerances
    • Vegetarian or with meat
    • Ketogenic, Low Carb and / or Paleo
    • With the insanely motivating community

    This article was written by

    Isabella Seitz

    Isabella is the author of this article. She completed her Bachelor's degree in Würzburg and her Master's degree in Media & Communication in Augsburg and started working for Foodpunk during her studies. In the beginning she worked in the editorial department and could be seen as a fitness trainer in one or the other video for Foodpunk, meanwhile she is responsible for social media management and takes care of our social networks.

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