The Foodpunk Blog

Knowledge about nutrition and weight loss

We feed not only your stomach! On the Foodpunk blog you will find everything about nutrition, health, self-care, ingredient knowledge and practical everyday tips.

Low Carb e1587023227204
Auf Zucker verzichten Foodpunk
Kohlenhydrate und Fett 2
Kohlenhydratreiche Suskartoffeln
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Low Carb Titelbild
Paleo Low Carb Keto
Braucht das Gehirn Kohlenhydrate?
ohne Kohlenhydrate Foodpunk

Healthy, creative and above all delicious! The Foodpunk Nutrition Blog

"Butter is love!" is the motto of the Foodpunk recipe blog. Because losing weight or healthy eating has nothing to do with renunciation at Foodpunk. On the contrary: We love indulgence!!! Good ingredients in lovingly developed recipes make your body fit, healthy and happy.

Find keto recipes, low carb recipes, vegetarian recipes, gluten free recipes... you decide!

Foodpunk creative chef Francesco and the recipe team develop cutting-edge and seasonal recipes for you - in addition to the recipes in the Foodpunk app, which are individually tailored to you in your personal nutrition plan. Look forward to classics like a perfectly cooked beef tenderloin, sweet delights like the French lemon tart, or treats for special moments like the Foodpunk Valentine's Day menu for two.

Ideal: You can gain an insight into our foodpunky diet and get to know it.... and learn to love!

Let us create your personal nutrition plan!

Thousands of foodpunks have achieved their desired weight, more self-confidence and a better well-being with us. You too can experience the foodpunk feeling!


You want to know more?

Barbara is here for you!

Foodpunk nutrition experts create a perfect nutrition plan - just for you. This is how you achieve the ultimate fat burn boost, endless energy and effortless weight loss.

You can adjust your goal and desires each month in the Foodpunk app and our nutritionist(s) will readjust your plan to fit you. Individual, experienced and competent they support exactly you and your goal.